Achieving Financial Independence for Women: What Sets Us Back in 202220220422004909
Achieving Financial Independence for Women: What Sets Us Back in 2022
Financial independence: a term that has risen in popularity over the years and has come to mean something important to women worldwide. But what does it really look like, and who does it really matter to? What is Financial Independence? Simply stated, financial independence means three things: Control over your finances; The ability to support […]...
What is IP Private Wealth?20211221165246
What is IP Private Wealth?
December 21, 20210 comments
We’re glad you asked. IP Private Wealth is a wealth management firm that uses a family office philosophy to provide a truly in-depth and comprehensive approach to financial planning. We use the ‘family office’ model, which allows us to help clients through a myriad of financial and lifestyle decisions. Watch this video introduction to our […]...
How doctors can protect their income in case of illness20211109215208
How doctors can protect their income in case of illness
You’ve likely invested over 10 years of your life and over $200,000 into your education on your path to becoming a physician—a career that requires your mind and body to be in sound working order. Breaking a couple fingers on a soccer pitch or getting a concussion on an ATV may be moderate inconveniences to the average person, but to a doctor, the wrong injury at the wrong time can end a career....
Clip: What changes do retirees face?20210928174221
Clip: What changes do retirees face?
Jenni Beharry of Caven Nutrition explains that retirement is mostly about attitude. This clip is from her interview on retirement nutrition; you can listen to the entire podcast below....
Golden Nutrition: Eating for Retirees20210928011543
Golden Nutrition: Eating for Retirees
As we hit our retirement years, our nutrition needs change--and no one really tells us what to expect. A lot of our poor dietary choices come from the formation of new habits and social activities, but we can still have fun and enjoy our golden years if we have a little guidance from a great expert. Enter Jenni Beharry, a nutritionist with Caven Nutrition--an award-winning nutrition group in Ottaw...
IP360° Podcast Ep 13: Nutrition for the Retirement Lifestyle20210928004051
IP360° Podcast Ep 13: Nutrition for the Retirement Lifestyle
Jenni Beharry is one of Ottawa's most popular nutritionists, working from the award-winning offices of Caven Nutrition. We asked Jenni to provide her special brand of saucy wisdom on nutrition for the retiree. Her advice is as wise as it is entertaining to listen to. ...
5 Trips to Add to Your Retirement Bucket List20210520154856
5 Trips to Add to Your Retirement Bucket List
When it comes to retirement, many people worry that they will become bored. After spending the majority of your life busy with work, it’s not unusual to think that suddenly changing your habits will be a challenge. But it’s important to give yourself permission to relax, explore, and have fun now that you’re no longer […]...
Interview with Richard Kluska: Exit Strategies Part 2 – Keeping Busy After Exiting20210422184629
Interview with Richard Kluska: Exit Strategies Part 2 – Keeping Busy After Exiting
Exiting a business isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Everyone is going to have a different idea of what their ideal retirement looks like. A big issue for many people is that they still aren’t ready for the retired life when it comes time to exit their business. So what are they supposed to do with their […]...
What should I do financially in my 30s?20210413184212
What should I do financially in my 30s?
The millennial is someone who was born anywhere between 1981 and 1996. Often the kids of hard-working baby boomers, they are usually ambitious, educated, self-confident, and technologically savvy. They often go against the conventional way of thinking or doing things, and tend to push the limits. Most importantly: they are up to 40 years old […]...
Interview with Amy Friesen: Retirement Living Part Two – The Impact of Covid-1920210326071800
Interview with Amy Friesen: Retirement Living Part Two – The Impact of Covid-19
Preparing for retirement is something that many people put off. Many feel uneasy, nervous, and overwhelmed by all the choices that need to be made. That’s why we sat down with Amy Frissen, CEO and Founder of Tea and Toast Retirement Living Advisory, to get the inside scoop on how to make the best choices […]...