Clip: Transitioning to life after hockey20210105095400

Clip: Transitioning to life after hockey

Kent Manderville, CFA®, CFP®January 5, 2021, , , , 0 comments
We interviewed Kent Manderville, former NHL player and Director of the IP Hockey Family Office, about the challenges transitioning out of hockey life. Listen to the full interview on the IP360° podcast on Podbean....
Clip: What is a family hockey office?20210105095300

Clip: What is a family hockey office?

Kent Manderville, CFA®, CFP®January 5, 2021, , , , 0 comments
We interviewed Kent Manderville, former NHL player and Director of the IP Hockey Family Office, about the IP Hockey Family Office concept. Listen to the full interview on the IP360° podcast on Podbean....
IP360° Podcast, Ep 4 – Beyond the Ice Edition: Challenges of Balancing Life and Hockey20210105074200

IP360° Podcast, Ep 4 – Beyond the Ice Edition: Challenges of Balancing Life and Hockey

Kent Manderville, CFA®, CFP®January 5, 2021, , , 0 comments
We’re joined today by former NHL players and Director of the IP Hockey Family Office, Kent Manderville. With his years of experience playing in the NHL, Kent is the perfect person to walk us through today’s topic: What are the challenges of balancing regular life, and hockey life?...
Clip: When should hockey players start thinking about the future?20210103092800

Clip: When should hockey players start thinking about the future?

Kent Manderville, CFA®, CFP®January 3, 2021, , 0 comments
We interviewed Kent Manderville, former NHL player and Director of the IP Hockey Family Office, about when to start thinking of the future and their lifelong wealth. Listen to the full interview on the IP360° podcast on Podbean....
IP360° Podcast, Ep 2 – Beyond the Ice Edition: What is the Hockey Family Office?20210103070100

IP360° Podcast, Ep 2 – Beyond the Ice Edition: What is the Hockey Family Office?

Kent Manderville, CFA®, CFP®January 3, 2021, , , 0 comments
We’re joined today by former NHL player and Director of the IP Hockey Family Office, Kent Manderville. With his years of experience playing in the NHL, Kent is the perfect person to walk us through today’s topic: What is a Hockey Family Office, and why is it important?...
Clip: How can business owners realize lifelong wealth?20201217092200

Clip: How can business owners realize lifelong wealth?

Richard Kluska, CIM®December 17, 2020, , 0 comments
We interviewed Richard Kluska, CEO of IP Private Wealth, about business owners and achieving lifelong wealth. Listen to the full interview on the IP360° podcast on Podbean....
Interview: What is a family office? With Richard Kluska, CEO20201217075600

Interview: What is a family office? With Richard Kluska, CEO

Richard Kluska, CIM®December 17, 2020, , 0 comments
The term ‘family office’ is becoming more familiar to the layman, and is even being used loosely by a variety of financial service providers. It’s generally understood that family offices are wealth management firms that cater to the affluent, managing their investments and revenue streams; but in this interview we hear what services an authentic […]...
IP360° Podcast, Ep 1 – What Is a Family Office, and Why Do I Need One?20201217062435

IP360° Podcast, Ep 1 – What Is a Family Office, and Why Do I Need One?

Richard Kluska, CIM®December 17, 2020, , 0 comments
We’re joined today by CEO of IP Private Wealth, Richard Kluska. With his decades of experience, and as the founder of the IP 360° philosophy, Richard is the perfect person to walk us through today’s topic: What is a Family Office, and Why do I Need One?...