Vaccines and What They Mean For Hockey Wealth Management: A Dose of Reality20210304193832

Vaccines and What They Mean For Hockey Wealth Management: A Dose of Reality

Kent Manderville, CFA®, CFP®March 4, 2021, , , 0 comments
It’s been almost a year since the National Hockey League (NHL) paused the 2019-20 season due to the coronavirus pandemic.  During the pause, it became obvious that COVID-19  would have a massively negative financial impact on the world economy and, by extension, the NHL.   The agreement between the NHL and the National Hockey League […]...
Beyond the Ice: Transitioning out of Hockey20210105100100

Beyond the Ice: Transitioning out of Hockey

Kent Manderville, CFA®, CFP®January 5, 2021, , , 0 comments
Life after hockey: it’s something that many hockey professionals don’t want to think about. But the reality is, a career playing hockey is much shorter than the usual ‘normal’ career a person might have. A player will have many years ahead of him post-career, and often a second career will be a logical next step.  […]...
IP360° Podcast, Ep 5 – Beyond the Ice Edition: Transitioning from Player to What’s Next20210105074500

IP360° Podcast, Ep 5 – Beyond the Ice Edition: Transitioning from Player to What’s Next

Kent Manderville, CFA®, CFP®January 5, 2021, , , 0 comments
We’re joined today by former NHL player and Director of the IP Hockey Family Office, Kent Manderville. With his years of experience playing in the NHL, Kent is the perfect person to walk us through today’s topic: What are the challenges transitioning from being a player to normal life?...